To begim with, the
opening ceremony, while spectacular in parts as a piece of theatre,
was conspicuously English and Metropolitan. This was understandable,
perhaps, given the location of the games but was hardly likely to
inspire a feeling of togetherness and common endeavour among those
unfortunate enough to live outwith the home counties.
Danny Boyle's choice of the NHS as a highlight of Britishness must surely have been ironic, given the current state of, and prospects for, the English NHS as it suffers 49% privatisation on top of death by PFI.
Danny Boyle's choice of the NHS as a highlight of Britishness must surely have been ironic, given the current state of, and prospects for, the English NHS as it suffers 49% privatisation on top of death by PFI.
Nonetheless, the
spectacle seemed inspire many unionists to respond both during and
immediately after the ceremony, screaming that the SNP's dreams of
independence were effectively dead. Even the Senior Press officer for
the Glasgow Commonwealth Games felt the need to break her
professional neutrality and tweet that the ceremony was a 'poke in
the eye' for Alex Salmond. It seemed to many unionistas that the YES
campaign had been brought to its knees by the sight of Kenneth
Branner in a stove pipe hat. “Surely no-one wouldn't want to be
part of THAT Britain,” tweeted one union twit.
The first week of the games of the XXXth Olympiad were beset by problems and concerns. The failure of G4S to provide the promised security workers led to the last-minute mobilisation of police officers and troops as replacements. Large sections of seating were conspicuously empty, angering those who had tried and failed to buy tickets through the 'lottery'. And, worst of all, few medals were being claimed by promising Team GB athletes, with Great Britain falling to 22nd place in the medal rankings. The unionists became strangely quiet.
This demonstrates an Anglocentric bias in the largely Metropolitan media which should surprise no-one, but is indicative of the differing attitudes on both sides of the border. Unionist Scots see themselves as a valuable part of a greater whole, while many in England see Scotland as a small part of Greater England, a minor county whose inhabitants tend to be a little chippy and ungrateful.
The first week of the games of the XXXth Olympiad were beset by problems and concerns. The failure of G4S to provide the promised security workers led to the last-minute mobilisation of police officers and troops as replacements. Large sections of seating were conspicuously empty, angering those who had tried and failed to buy tickets through the 'lottery'. And, worst of all, few medals were being claimed by promising Team GB athletes, with Great Britain falling to 22nd place in the medal rankings. The unionists became strangely quiet.
Only the unremarkable
but indigestible Alan Cochrane seemed driven to comment during this
hiatus and even he seemed more than usually out of his depth. He
complained of border guards and immigration checks and claimed that
the SNP was English-hating and anti-Team GB. His attitudes and
arguments, like his Telegraph thumbnail portrait, seemed to be
straight out of the 1970s. Still, the level of pure green bile oozing
from his daily rants was an indication of what was to come later in
the games.
The red tops were first
to follow the Telegraph with their righteous indignation over the
refusal of two Scottish players the Women's Football team to sing
along with 'God Save the Queen'. Kim Little, in particular, was
singled out for having the temerity to say she chose not to mouth the
de facto English National Anthem “because she was Scottish”.
Facebook pages were launched and cleverly captioned images went
viral. The politicisation of the games had begun.
Then came Super
Saturday. The promised medals began to appear in spectacular fashion
and the unionist front found its voice again. Both the mainstream and
social media erupted in a plume of British National red white and
blue (but not too much blue as that is a bit Scottish and leads to
Every successful
athlete was photographed in front of, or draped in, the union flag
and the BBC and ITV commentators reminded us at every opportunity
just exactly how Great it is to be British. It appeared that the
budget for the NO campaign had just been increased by around £24
billion, from its previous Jubilee level of a mere £12 billion.
There seemed to be
three distinct arguments being put forward in favour of Britishness
and I will attempt to summarise them here:
“A Team Scotland
would win far fewer medals than Team GB, giving Scots less to be
proud of”. This assertion, which I will label the “too wee”
argument is based on a number of assumptions.
Firstly, it assumes
that Independent Scots would somehow cease to be proud of the
achievements of English and Welsh athletes, just because we field a
national team. Secondly, that being associated with a larger, more
successful 'superteam' trumps having your own national team to
support. Thirdly, that the sole purpose of the team structure is to
maximise the number of medals won.
The fact that, after
almost a century of independence, we all still root for Irish
athletes, and take pleasure and pride in their successes, gives the
lie to the first. As to the second, imagine the pride we will feel in
2014 if the Scots team does well. Will that really be trumped by
having our athletes wear the same jerseys as their neighbours?
If the purpose of team
structure is to maximise the medals won, then we should be competing
with the Chinese and Americans by forming a Team EU. That would give
us a similar population to the USA and the total medals won this year
by all EU members would easily outstrip the USA and China together,
allowing us to claim first place for the European national team.
Imagine how bursting with pride we would all be then.
“Scots athletes
would not be so successful outside team GB as the best training
facilities are in England”. I will label this assertion the
“too poor” argument. If there were ever a fact which was the very
antithesis of a union benefit, then surely this is it.
The lack of facilities
in Scotland will only be remedied by the government and the sports
authorities in Scotland having the power to divert spending to fill
the gaps in provision which exist here. Otherwise, spending will
always be concentrated in what is viewed by the UK as the centre,
which is normally the south eastern corner of England, with
occasional magnanimous gestures to 'the North' or 'the Midlands'.
Inequalities in
resource allocation aside, the trend today is for nations to share
such resources and for athletes (and national teams) to follow the
facilities. Many of the Team GB athletes study and/or train in other
countries and the bulk of the GB athletics team just spent a couple
of months in Portugal preparing for the games. Teenage Andy Murray,
limited by poor provision for tennis in his homeland, headed for
Spain as the Spanish youth circuit offered the best facilities and
opponents to support his development.
“Scottish sports
authorities would not have the expertise or experience of their
British counterparts”. This assertion has been particularly
made in reference to the hugely successful cycling team and I will
label it the “too stupid” argument.
This argument is
premised upon the assumption that Scottish institutions are
intrinsically inferior to English ones. This is an example either of
English arrogance or of Scottish cringe, depending on the source.
Clearly Scotland's ability to compete at the highest international
level depends on our decisions regarding national goals and resource
allocation. We could take of the might of English cycling team if we
wished to make it a priority, and we may well do so.
Additionally, there are
many small countries who do very well in those sports which they
prioritise. The Jamaicans and sprinting, the Ethiopians (and now the
Kenyans) in middle distance running, the Australians in swimming.
There is no reason to suppose that Scotland could not excel in those
sports it chose to prioritise, and much evidence, football aside, to
suggest we would.
We have also seen, as
so often before, a conflation of Britishness and Englishness to the
extent that each of the three main broadcasters, BBC, ITV and Sky,
have been guilty on numerous occasions of referring to Team GB as
England, or 'England's women'.
This demonstrates an Anglocentric bias in the largely Metropolitan media which should surprise no-one, but is indicative of the differing attitudes on both sides of the border. Unionist Scots see themselves as a valuable part of a greater whole, while many in England see Scotland as a small part of Greater England, a minor county whose inhabitants tend to be a little chippy and ungrateful.
It's all, of course, a
matter of the UK's hugely uneven distribution of population,
property, pounds and political power.
Alongside the “too
wee, too poor, too stupid” arguments described above, a couple of
other phenomena have occurred in the media, both of which are quite
illuminating in their own way.
Before the competition
began, LOCOG announced that Scottish Saltires, along with the Welsh
and Cornish flags, would be banned from the games, including the
Saltire permanently flying above Hampden. The Hampden ban was soon
overturned after huge protests from Scots, who seem to have also
disregarded the general ban as many Saltires were evident in the
crowds, including the one proudly waved by Chris Hoy's English dad.
On Tuesday, the BBC
repeated hourly a piece which stated that Yorkshire, had it been a
country in it's own right, would be sitting at no 11 in the medal
tables. No mention was made of Scotland, which is a country in its
own right, and would have occupied position number 6 on the same day.
The latter comparison would never have been countenanced on the Beeb,
even though it had already appeared in some of the Scottish press.
On Wednesday, the BBC
commentary team were discussing the Black Panther protests of the
60's and concluded that they were a very good thing to have done, but
could never happen today. No mention was made of Kim Little and
Ifeoma Dieke refusing to sing the English national anthem, nor of the
Welsh members of the men's football team doing the same. Presumably
the former protest was safely long ago in another place, and the
latter rather too close to home. Oh the irony.
However, even though
all these arguments are a mirror of the independence debate, they
have little to do with it in reality. The purpose of Scottish
independence is political and economic self-determination, not to
show how fast your citizens can run, or decide what colour of kit
they wear to do so. The statements being made at present that doing
well in the Olympics is an argument against a Scottish Parliament are
facile at best, and consciously disingenuous at worst.
The games and the
jubilee are simply not relevant to the referendum. To base an
argument in favour of continuation of the union on such frippery is
to misunderstand the groundswell of Scottish opinion which favours
(or demands) political change.
If there turns out to be an enhanced feeling of Britishness among Scots as a consequence of this Summer, it will soon be forgotten and, in any case, will be balanced by the Commonwealth Games and others taking place in 2014, just before the referendum, when Scottish identity will be to the fore.
If there turns out to be an enhanced feeling of Britishness among Scots as a consequence of this Summer, it will soon be forgotten and, in any case, will be balanced by the Commonwealth Games and others taking place in 2014, just before the referendum, when Scottish identity will be to the fore.
As we approach the end
of this last great Hurrah of British Nationalism, the polls are
showing the highest ever support for the SNP and have independence
more popular than either devo max or the status quo in a three way
fight, and independence almost as popular as No change in a bilateral
That's not a bad place
for the YES campaign to be with two full years to go.
Bob Duncan
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