Before the last
Holyrood elections, the minority SNP administration tried to host an
independence referendum, but were prevented from doing so by a wall
of opposition from each of the three London-based political parties.
Labour, Tories and LibDems were united in their view that Scots must
not be asked their views on the constitutional future of their
When the SNP gained a
majority in the Scottish Parliament in 2011, the opposition of the
anti-referendum parties became ineffective and the Holyrood
government promised a referendum would be held in the second half of
the parliamentary term.
The three unionist
parties U-turned faster than Wiley E Coyote approaching a
cliff edge, and began to call for the referendum to be held
immediately in a reprise of Wendy Alexander's “bring it on”
speech which, just a few years earlier, had led directly to her being
deposed as leader of the Labour MSPs.
After half a year of
soul-searching and brow-beating the unionist parties each tried to
come to terms with their respective defeats and searched among their
remaining Scottish parliamentarians for new leaders of their North
British franchises. As anyone with a vestige of talent had long ago
headed straight for Westminster, each of the three parties found they
were fishing in a very small gene pool, and their respective choice
of leaders was consequently uninspiring.
The start of 2012 saw
the reaction to this as senior figures from the London headquarters
of the unionist parties ventured North of the border to knock this
independence nonsense on the head. We learned that the
anti-independence campaign was being led by a gang-of-four in the
cabinet, with Gideon Osbourne as its chief strategist.
Expert witnesses of
impeccable loyalty were questioned by a special Select Committee on
Separation for Scotland and each was asked to provide 10 reasons why
Scotland would be bankrupt within a year of independence, then to
describe the exact species of grass that all Scots would soon be
forced to eat. Most winesses dutifully complied, demonstrating to
everyone in Westminster what a thoroughly silly idea separation was
and reassuring themselves that it would never, ever happen.
Then the Yes campaign
was launched and suddenly it was not just the SNP who were backing
the call for independence. Other parties, including the Greens and
SSP, joined the campaign along with people from all walks of life who
were not politicians or even political. Notably, a number of the more
visible Yes campaigners were ex members of other political parties,
who had become convinced of the need for Scottish self-determination.

This campaign became
silent, however, when it emerged that it was being fronted by an ex
Labour politican, quickly dubbed “The Abominable No Man” by
independent MSP Margo Macdonald, but was bankrolled by a Conservative
dining club in London with most of the contributors being City
bankers. Alistair Darling became silent when he was pulled into the
LIBOR fixing scandal which had happened while he was Chancellor and
the No campaign curled up in the foetal position and waited for a
figurative Summer to come.
Then something quite
strange began to happen. Members of all the unionist parties began
asking why their leadership were so adamantly opposed to
independence. Was this for the benefit of the people or the party.
Was it even for the benefit of the party in Scotland, or that in
London? And, in any case, who decided that Scottish independence was
something to be fought at every opportunity?
Polls began to show that not all SNP members supported independence, and not all members of the unionist Troica were opposed to it. The party lines were becoming ever more transparent on this issue. Additionally, members of Labour and the Lib Dems were becoming increasingly concerned at the prospect of sharing a platform and a campaign with the hated Tories.
Labour's roots were
firmly embedded in home rule, and it was under their watch that
the Scottish Parliament was finally re-established. The Liberal bit
of the Lib Dems had long been a federalist party, and had also been
great supporters of home rule. Even the Tories, formed from the ashes
of the Scottish Unionist Party, had almost elected a leader who
proposed breaking links with The London party and re-branding the
Scottish right.
Recently, web sites and
Facebook groups have begun to emerge in support of those members of
the No parties, disaffected or not, who are in favour of Scottish
independence or who simply believe that more powers should be vested
in the Scottish Parliament. This is a new phenomenon and may provide
an inkling of how the referendum vote will be manifested.
Perhaps the most
notable of these movements is the Voters Alliance for an Independent
Scotland (VASI), which provides a platform for members of all parties
to campaign for a yes vote, along with others of no political
persuasion. Through VASI, emerging groups within the various
political parties are beginning to find common cause with one
another. Expect this to be a growing trend.
Articles in the
Scotsman and Herald have highlighted one of these groups, Labour for
Independence, and both papers try to dismiss it's significance by
painting it as a crowd of SNP activists egging on a few misguided
Labour members. However, the movement behind this and other sites is
real, and represents a genuine grass roots campaign, which the
leadership of the unionist parties will ignore at their peril.
Labour for Independence
features an interview with Yes Scotland chief executive Blair Jenkins
in which he states: "We know there are many voters, of all
political persuasions and none, who support an independent Scotland.
In fact, the principle of independence for Scotland is above and
beyond any party political interests.
"It's the people's
referendum. Whether people support Labour, the Conservatives, the
SNP, the Greens or any other party, there are many who are attracted
by the possibilities that independence offers to build and shape the
kind of society that is in line with their core beliefs and values.
"Another major
plus side of independence is the prospect of the best of the talent
from the various parties serving at Holyrood rather than

The purpose of the
independence campaign is not the empowerment of the Scottish National
Party, but rather the empowerment of the Scottish people themselves.
Whatever happens in the
immediate wake of the referendum, a Yes vote is not a vote for an SNP
government. Each of the parties currently active in Scottish politics
will continue, albeit in an altered form, after a Yes vote. There may
be a realignment, and new parties may well form to close any gaps
which appear, but the SNP will be just one of a number of Scottish
Many members of the
three unionist parties are now beginning to see the opportunities
which exist to shape Scottish society, once the government and their
party hierarchy, are free from London diktat. In the case of Labour
and the Lib Dems, this may be the only opportunity for them to
progress true social democracy. For the Tories, it is a chance to
emerge from the ugly chrysalis of Thatcherism.
There is an opportunity
for the Labour and Lib Dems, over the next few months, to come up
with a defined set of powers which will be on offer in the event of a
No vote, and to demonstrate a mechanism by which these can be
delivered. This mechanism must be one the people of Scotland can
trust absolutely; we have been betrayed by Labour and Tories in 1979,
and the Lib Dem record in coalition is hardly reassuring.
But an opportunity
exists to redefine the status quo as something a majority of Scots
may be able to support. The window of opportunity is brief, and the
trust of the people will be difficult to capture, but it could be
If the unionists fail
to grasp this particular thistle, and experience strongly suggests
that they will fail to do so, then the independence debate risks
being polarised so that many of their members and supporters will
vote Yes. Whether the numbers are sufficient to achieve a majority,
we will need to wait and see.
Bob Duncan
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