This was when I first
came into regular contact with the BBC World Service. We both
listened to the English language news service nightly, trying to
get a clear view of events in Iran as they unfolded. News
was difficult to come by as foreign journalists were extremely
unwelcome. The Iranian state broadcaster carried nothing but propaganda. During those years, the BBC was a lifeline for Susan and the many other
Persian exiles we knew back then.
We later heard that the
Farsi language version of the World Service was equally important to
those inside Iran. The first act of the Islamic revolutionaries was
to take over the radio and television stations and so control their
output. This is standard practice in all revolutions and military coups. The BBC then became the main source of news for huge numbers of
ordinary Iranians, despite the severe punishments awaiting those who
were caught tuning in.
Since then, I have met
people from a wide range of troubled countries. Many of them had similar tales
of praise for the BBC World Service as their main source of unbiased
news coverage, particularly concerning their own country. Despite
recent cuts in the Worls Service provision, the BBC has, to this day, an unparalleled
reputation as a fearless and impartial international news
broadcaster and is relied upon by millions of people worldwide.
Naturally, both the BBC
and the people of the UK are justifiably proud of this reputation.
However, the one thing I did not
expect, when listening to those 80's radio broadcasts with Susan, was that
I would find myself in the same position thirty years later. My
state broadcaster, along with the rest of the main stream media in
Scotland and throughout the UK, is so heavily partisan in favour of unionism that large
sections of the news are effectively state propaganda.
Scotland and the wider
UK are in a state of political and constitutional upheaval, due to
the rise of the SNP and the independence movement, and particularly
due to the imminence of the referendum. It is hardly armed
revolution, but the parallels with Iran are clear. The most obvious
of these is that I now find myself increasingly reliant on foreign news
broadcasters, such as Al-Jazeera and Russia Today, as I search for a
full and impartial report of what is happening in my own country. And
I am not alone in doing this.
It is particularly
damning in the case of the BBC. At a UK level we are subjected to
relentless sycophancy on matters of monarchy and an oppressively
metrocentric view of the world. The beeb is being used as a weapon by
a UK government which is desperate to keep the union together at any
cost. The independence movement is subject to a war of attrition and,
as in all wars, the first victim has been the truth.
BBC Scotland, however,
is guilty of a degree of bias which is simultaneously far deeper and
endemic but also more subtle than the “national” BBC. We are subjected to
regular doping of interview panels and audiences with Brit Nats,
negative spinning of news to the advantage of the unionists and the
effective censorship of stories which could reflect well on the SNP
or independence movement.
There is a level of
partiality here, and a growing realisation of its extent, which is
beginning to gnaw away at that enviable BBC reputation which was built up by
the World Service over so many years.
And that, I believe, is the key.
A concerted popular
campaign to embarrass BBC Scotland could well help to reduce, if not
remove, this bias. It will need to undermine the reputation of the service,
not only in Scotland, but throughout the world, for it is their
international reputation for impartiality which the BBC holds so dear.
And it is that very worldwide prestige which will be at risk if Scots begin to use their international
connections to reveal the dreadful bias of the institution at home.
The complaints we have
made thus far may already be having an effect. Recently there has
been an apparent (slight) increase in positive stories and even the
occasional balanced panel. The last-minute insertion of Nicol Sturgeon into a shockingly imbalanced Question Time panel for Inverness, would seem to have been a response to pressure from Cybernats and the SNP. The substitution of Green MSP Partick Harvey for the
usual LibDem on the recent Big Debate may have been a cynical attempt
to expose divisions in the indie camp, but the balance showed how things could
and should be.
It seems we may also see the end of the constant use of pejorative language by BBC correspondents and presenters, including the use of separation, divorce and break-up and their ilk. So far so good.
It seems we may also see the end of the constant use of pejorative language by BBC correspondents and presenters, including the use of separation, divorce and break-up and their ilk. So far so good.
This rebalancing, if
that is what it is, is very tentative and quite subtle but it might
represent real progress. We should keep up the pressure, at home and
abroad, and see if the BBC can be pushed back closer towards impartiality, as
we begin the independence debate proper. It is just possible that all is not yet lost at
Pacific Quay.
Meanwhile, Iranians are
still imprisoned for listening to foreign news. but Susan can now speak with her family on Skype, keep
up to date on Facebook, and share family photographs in emails.
Iran may be largely unchanged, but this is no longer the 1980s.
This is 2012 and we are winning the argument online and in the new media.
Let us
see if we can also win the ability to present our case on the old
ones too.
Bob Duncan
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