Over the last fortnight
we have discovered the fiddling of the Libor rates by at least 20
international banks, apparently with the knowledge (and inaction) of
the Bank of England and treasury. This was combined with the
admission that interest rate swaps had been mis-sold to small and
medium businesses to the extent that many had been forced out of
business, at the same time as the banks were deliberately failing to
meet business lending targets.
Now details are
emerging of billions of pounds of international money laundering
which was carried out by those very same banks, where money from the
sale of illegal drugs and from Iranian sanction busting activities
was illegally “cleaned up” by hiding the origin of the
transactions concerned. No doubt there will be many more such stories
of unethical and illegal practices as the onion layers continue to be
peeled back.
In most of these cases,
the main culprits are emerging as London-based international banks,
particularly their “investment” arms, and the various regulatory
bodies based in the City along with their political masters. The
financial sector and the UK government seem to operate in a clubby
atmosphere where almost anything is permissible as long as no-one is
caught out.
While this is hugely
damaging to the economy and reputation of the whole of the UK, and is
sure to lengthen, if not deepen, the current financial crisis, it
actually represents a wonderful opportunity for an Independent
Scotland, too, has a
very significant financial sector - actually one of the most
important in Europe - for all that it is constantly overshadowed by
its larger sister in London. Before the crash of 2008, the Scottish
industry had a reputation for efficiency, honesty and probity, but
was viewed as a little dull.
Even the troubled HBOS
and RBS were mainly the preserve of the City of London. HBOS in 2008
was run entirely from outside Scotland, with much less than 10% of
its activity being generated in Scotland. In the case of RBS, much
decision making was taken in the Edinburgh headquarters but, again,
considerably less that 1/10 of the bank's activity was based in
Despite attempts by UK
government and political parties, along with a pliant media sector,
to place the blame for the banking crisis in Edinburgh, the reality
is that the problems which led to the crisis were made in London and
New York. Light-fingered banking practice and light-touch regulation
were the two parents of the crash.
The culture within the
Scottish sector is much less tainted than that in London. RBS aside,
Scottish-based financial institutions continue to have a superior
reputation than their Southern counterparts. This tends to escape the
public attention due to their being fed a constant diet of London
scandal, and there is a real risk that the reputations of Scottish
firms could be damaged by association.
Additionally, the
Scottish Government was set up to be much more open and transparent
than Westminster and, to a large extent, this has been achieved. It
is also largely free of the medieval, and often corrupting,
traditions and conventions which plague the UK parliament and civil
service, and which are proving all but impossible to change in any
meaningful way.
The people of Scotland,
at least, are far more likely to trust the Scottish than the UK
Government to look after their affairs.
And it is those two
factors, the reputation of the Scottish financial sector, and the
openness and competence of the Scottish government, which together
provide the opportunity post-independence.
When, as it must, the
backlash against the City of London occurs, international capital
will begin to search for two things:
The first is a properly regulated and vibrant financial centre with a very different reputation from the City of London.
The first is a properly regulated and vibrant financial centre with a very different reputation from the City of London.
The second is a financial centre
which is as much like the City in every other way. That is, in
language, currency, infrastructure, geography and culture it should
be as close as possible to the City in order to minimise the shock
(and cost) of the new.
As a small country,
Scotland does not need to capture much of the business which will
flee from London, in order to benefit substantially. If we were to
gain around 5% of the business currently transacted from London, our
financial sector would double in volume. Even a small proportion of
this would be hugely beneficial to the Scottish economy.
However, there are two
key factors that need to be in place for this to work, and these can
only be obtained through full independence.
There must be a demonstrably effective scheme of banking regulation in place, which
is not subcontracted to Westminster, and which can ensure a continued
ethical culture in the Scottish sector. This requires a change in SNP
policy if this is to be managed within a currency union or Sterling
zone, as current policy is to leave bank regulation with Westminster
and the Bank of England.
There also needs to be
a constitutional guarantee that future governments will not be able
to reduce or remove this regulatory safety net for political or
commercial ends. This would need to be added to a written
constitution, which itself must be a priority for the first
independent administration. It is largely the lack of such guarantees
at Westminster which has allowed such outrageous levels of abuse to
occur over recent decades.
While the SNP will not
form a government in perpetuity after independence, despite the
apparent belief of the unionist parties, they will be in control as
independence negotiations take place and while new Scottish
institutions are established along with the legal framework which
will underpin them.
It is, therefore,
essential that the SNP's upcoming policy white paper establishes the
type of environment within which Scotland can take full advantage of
such opportunities, while guaranteeing an efficient and ethical
future for both the government and the economy of our new independent
Bob Duncan
Bob Duncan
Not heard much about the Scottish banks being bailed out this week! how odd as we usually get several rminders,have we done something to upset those that remind us?